
Healthy Snack Recipes To Make Your Kids Enjoy This Summer

- Uncategorized - April 26, 2023

The summer is so hot, that we do not come home without getting tanned and drained. The kids especially get tired and become sweaty while playing games and having fun during the summer holidays. Also, since they are in-leave they tend to ask for snacks every single day, and it might be a sort of trouble for the moms at home. Rather than buying them crips, biscuits, and chocolate, making them healthy homemade snacks would be a better option. If you are a working mom, time would be the biggest drawback. In that case, there are a few recipes for you too.

Here are some of the Snack recipes that you can try:

  1. Chocolate Makhana Recipe:


  • Dark Chocolate (Melted)
  • Makhanas
  • Ghee
  • Salt


  • Take a pan, and add ghee to it. 
  • Now add a teaspoon of salt or the required amount, based on the makhana quantity.
  • Now add makhanas into them, and roast them until the whole colour changes to light brown.
  •  You can check by taking one and if you can break it between fingers, then it’s in the right stage. 
  • Simmer the gas, and now add the melted chocolate and give it a good mix. Turn it off and it can be served.

Tips: You can even store it in an airtight container for later usage.

Note: The same process can be used for chocolate popcorn too!

  1. Gobi 65 Recipe:


  • Chopped Gobi
  • Salt
  • Red Chilli Powder
  • Besan
  • Rice Flour
  • Corn Flower


  • Initially, cut the cauliflower into small pieces.
  • Put cauliflower into boiling water for 3 to 5 mins. 
  • Now drain the water, and let them cool for 5 mins. 
  • Now add salt and red chilli powder. Give a good mix or toss them well. 
  • Add 1 tbsp of besan, 1 tbsp of rice flour and ½ to 1 tablespoon of corn flour. The flour helps in making the gobi crispy.
  • Now add the oil to a pan, and bring it to a good boiling stage. 
  • Deep fry and cauliflower 65 are ready to be served.

Tips: The same process can be repeated to Paneer 65, Mushroom 65, Chicken 65, etc. ( It is not recommended to boil them in water)

  1. Yummy Shake Recipe:


  • Frozen bananas
  • Cacao powder
  • Coconut milk
  • Dates (sweetener)


  • In a mix, add frozen bananas (2 – chopped, 1 tbsp of cacao powder, half to one glass of coconut milk, and soaked dates in a jar. If you take a fresh batch of coconut milk, you can use them for 2 days by refrigeration. 
  • Grind them well and serve! A yummy chocolate shake.

Tips:  You can even reduce the milk, and freeze it for 24hrs to have them as yummy ice cream.

  1. Almond Biscotti Recipe:


  • Almonds (You can use any nut of your choice – cashew, peanuts, pista, etc) 
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Soaked dates
  • Honey.


  • Coarsely grind the nuts, and transfer them into a bowl. 
  • Now add a pinch of cinnamon powder, dates according to your sweet taste, and honey. 
  • Mix well and bring into a dough consistency. If you do not get the needed consistency, sprinkle some water and bring them.
  • Preheat the oven to 175 deg cel for 10 mins and bake them for 5 – 10 mins. Your healthy maida-free, sugar-free cookie is ready to be served.
  1. Nuts Ladoo Recipe:


  • Nuts (Your Choice)
  • Jaggery


  • Dry roast the nuts for 2 to 3 mins. You can even add seeds like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc of your choice.
  • Air dry and grind them in a coarse or powder consistency.
  • Now add the jaggery, and again grid them. 
  • The oil in the nuts and jaggery will bring the powder to a consistency where you can make small balls. Or flatten it into a paste and the needed shape.
  1. Banana – Yogurt Smoothie Recipe:


  • Thick Yogurt
  • Banana
  • Brown Sugar/Dates


  • Take the thick yoghurt into a glass jar, and add chopped bananas.
  • Freeze them or you can have them just like that.

Note: Sweetener is completely optional since bananas are sweeter 

  1. Fresh Juices Recipe:


  •  Any fruits (Watermelon, Muskmelon, Pomegranate, Mango, or anything that works)
  • Jaggery/brown sugar/coconut sugar.


  • Just chop and add the fruits into the bow
  • Add the sweetener of your choice. 
  • Grind and it’s ready to be served. 

Note: Even though this may not be a snack, this should be a mandatory drink for your afternoon and a dose of hydration.

To Note: Make sure you don’t use ice or freeze the drink, for better benefits.

Even though the last two do not fall under the snack category, you can have them as a healthy, instant energy snack or drink for the hot summers. Try these yummy recipes, and make your enjoyment with healthy and yummy snack options.