Parenting is not your regular 9 to 5 job, rather it feels like an endless journey of growing, learning, and hoping that we are doing the best for our kids. A child is majorly a reflection of the parents and their behavior till a certain age. One of the most important things as a parent is to help the child build confidence and find their place in society. If you are wondering how to build confidence in kids and why it is important, Don’t worry we got you covered!
A child’s confidence is essential as it helps them try new things, bounce back from failures, and believe in their own abilities. Your kid does not have to be the loudest or boldest in the room, but they should feel that they are capable and good at what they do.
So building self-esteem in children is essential! Let’s talk about some easy and practical tips to help build self-confidence in a child where they feel self-assured and find their individuality.
How to Build Confidence in Kids (Listing down some parenting tips)
Building confidence in kids is not about just telling them that they are perfect. Instead, guiding them to see their self-worth, find their strengths, and believe in tackling life’s challenges is essential. Here are a few tips:
- Show unconditional love and acceptance.
Every kid is different and has some personality traits from the very beginning. It is important as a parent to let them know that they are loved just the way they are. Even if they spill some milk on the carpet or fail a school test, they must feel secure that they are loved by their parents, especially in the hard times. You can use some words of reassurance like, ‘I love you no matter what’ or just give them a hug when they are feeling a bit low. When a child knows that they have a security net of love, they are likely to bounce back with confidence and courage.
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- Encourage them to try new activities and explore interests.
In the early years a kid is generally keen to try different things, maybe one month they want to be a cricketer and then next month they want to become an astronaut. It’s okay! Trying different things while growing up would help your child discover their real talent. Do not tell them that they are not a good player or that becoming an astronaut is not everyone’s cup of tea, as it will immediately affect the confidence of your child.

- Help them focus on their strengths.
Remember, every child is good at something, whether it’s academics, sports, telling stories, or making friends. Point out their strengths like, ‘You are really doing good in this class, would you like to read more about the subject?’ or ‘You were very helpful to your friend today’. Words of assurance would build a positive self-image in your child’s mind.
- Listen actively to what they share
Don’t let your child feel ignored around you. Ask them about their day in school, in the dance class, or at the party. Listen to them attentively, notice their gestures, and respond thoughtfully. This will help your kid feel more valued from the right age.
- Avoid criticism
A child’s confidence is fragile at the initial age, they are very doubtful of themselves, so try to be their cheerleader, not a critic. Instead of using words like. ‘when will you learn to be better’ or ‘You are always a mess’ try affirmations like, ‘Let’s work on this together’, and ‘You will get better’. Gentle guidance would help them build confidence.
- Encourage independence by allowing them to tackle tasks on their own.
Always babysitting your child could be a big red flag! Allow them to grow and make some decisions, even if they might fail. Teach them to learn from their failures. If they are willing to pour their milk, let them. Once they spill, try to clean it or let them help clean it and ask them to try it again. Little success matters a lot when you are building self-esteem in children.

What Is the Purpose of Building Self-Esteem in Children?
Building self-esteem in children is not about making them feel superior, but making them believe in themselves, and feel valued and worthy. When they develop healthy confidence, it results in:
- Face life’s challenges with a positive attitude.
- Make better decisions confidently.
- Handle failures without feeling disheartened.
- Developing healthy relationships all along.
Also read: How to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Kids – A Guide For Mummas.
Activities to build self-confidence in a child
Here are some fun and simple tips on how to raise confident kids:
Create a “strength jar”: Write down one achievement your child made in a day, and add them to the jar. (e.g., “You made a beautiful drwaing”) Also, you can plan a weekend activity to reopen the jar and ask them if they are willing to repeat any good thing they did that week.
Encourage creative games: Play games with your kids where they explore different scenarios and pretend to play them. Like a teacher, doctor, or a character from their favorite cartoon.
Try something new: Set a day or two where you teach something new to your child like baking cookies, creating crafts, putting a button, polishing the shoes, etc. Celebrate the progress, even if it takes time.
Boosting a child’s confidence does not require perfection or to step-by-step guide. It is a gradual process of showering love, keeping patience, and cheering them up. Create a supportive environment where a kid feels valued. Recognize that building self-esteem in children is not a destination but a journey.
Parenting is tough, but patience is the key! Always remember – you got this!
FAQ’s On Child’s Confidence
How to help your child be more confident?
Support your child with love, celebrate their little steps, and let them try different things independently.
How can a shy child gain confidence?
Shy children do not have to become extroverts to show confidence. Find activities that they enjoy and don’t force them to step out of their comfort zone. Make gradual progress, like asking them to say hello to a new friend. Understand them rather than forcing the social norms.
How do you parent a child with low confidence?
Focus on the child self-esteem development, their interests while encouraging them. Avoid comparisons with other kids and make them feel loved.
How do I boost my child’s self-confidence?
Making your child solve their problems, helping them try new things, and celebrating little progress is the key.