
Jagriti Prasad #HerLifeHerChoices

- #HerLifeHerChoices - August 11, 2019
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Meet Jagriti, a mom and a business woman. She runs, a maternity wear store in Dwarka, Delhi. She also has a website to reach out to pregnant women across India looking for beautiful maternity clothes.
It’s a challenge to find comfortable yet stylish pregnancy outfits at reasonable prices in India. She realized this when she became pregnant herself. So she decided to leave her job post pregnancy and started Momiffy.
According to her, she never wanted to stop working and at the same time she wanted to give most of her time to her baby. So she chose to do her own business and after 3 years of successfully running it, she feels absolutely great about her decision.

What is the best part of her ALTERNATIVE CAREER OPTION?
Making a pregnant woman happy by providing clothes that fit her well and make her feel good.

Who does she give credit to her success? 
To her husband who was very supportive of her decision and started working from home initially to take care of baby with her. Also to a very supportive family who stood with her throughout in her journey as mom and as a business woman.

Kudos to the couple. More power to them. May you get loads and loads of success in your endeavors. “


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