
Hilarious Struggles Of Being A New Mom

- Motherhood - September 16, 2019

Being a new mom is just not easy. From the feeding to the late nights to the nappy duties – it’s all a mighty struggle. But if you think about it all, it is quite funny. Bringing up a little tiny human is no mean feat but it is definitely a hilarious task. You have dark circles from the endless nights with no sleep, you haven’t brushed your hair in months and me time is now a distant dream.

So, if you’re a new mommy, you will definitely relate to these struggles.

1. Sleep is now a myth!

You haven’t had a good eight hours of sleep since the baby was born with all the feeding and the diaper changing and the crying. Your dark circles now make you look like a panda!

2. Self-care what?

The last time you took a spa day or took care of yourself was before the baby came. Now its all about feeding the little monster and your nails look like you were playing out in the ground.

3. Anxiety is a truth of life!

Anxiety is now as much a part of your daily life as eating or sleeping is. You’re constantly worried about the baby – panicking about whether s/he’s crying because s/he’s hungry or because s/he wants his diaper changed.

4. You have an identity crisis

Suddenly all you are is a mom, just a mom! You cannot think about anybody else except your baby. In all this, you’re trying to re-discover who you are and it is a mighty struggle!

5. Your body needs to behave!

You just gave birth. I mean you grew a baby in your body for nine months and then pushed it out. Couldn’t have been easy, could it? But now your body isn’t what it used to be and you need it to behave.

6. You can wait, dear husband!

You love your husband but he isn’t a priority anymore – the baby is. You just can’t take out time for him because now your life is all about the little one. Let’s not even get started on the sexy time!

7. But you wouldn’t trade it for the world…

You wouldn’t trade this feeling of being a mom and holding the little one in your arms for anything in the world. Your little bundle of joy means the world to you and nothing makes you happier than him/her!

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Being a Mom is not at all easy as everyone thinks. There are lot of expectations, decisions to take, work, challenges and what not. Mothers usually forget themselves while raising their kids.
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