
A Day In A Working Mother’s Life

- Motherhood - April 1, 2019
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I reached my office with a not-so-good feeling. I kept my bag on the table and switched on my laptop. By the time my machine booted and started, the sad face of my innocent baby forcefully waving me bye made my eyes wet.

I looked around to ensure no one saw the one tear that rolled down my cheeks even though I had tried really to control my emotions. I called up my husband who was still at home to check up on my baby but he didn’t pick up my call. I checked my CCTV app on the phone and found them busy dancing on the rhymes. I tried to concentrate on my work, made a few calls but something was just wrong today. I missed him more than other days.

I took a deep breath shrugging off the thought of my little boy and went for my meeting. It went well but the moment I was done, my hands involuntarily dialled my baby’s caretaker’s number.

She assured me that he was having fun and playing with her. I felt relaxed after hearing that he was fine. However, the selfish mother in me was not happy to hear that he was having fun without me, that he was not missing me when I was missing him badly.

I disconnected the call and continued working, but I couldn’t help but check my watch every 10 minutes. Finally it was time for me to go home. There was a smile on my face and I wrapped up every thing. I reached home and he leaped with a big smile. I felt ecstatic. But he did not want to be in my arms for long. He wanted to be put down on the floor and play with his toys. I wanted to hug him tight and hold him for some time but I guess he didn’t want to. He was happy to see me but for him I was not the only attraction.

The week passed by quickly and the most awaited two days were here. I was so excited on Friday evening for the upcoming weekend where I would spend time with my son. I would play with him in the morning when he is the most happy and fresh, I would give him a bath, dress him up like a doll, cook for him, feed him with my hands, clean him after he spilled food all over him and just be with him.

I was so delighted to see my son having fun with me on the weekend, he didn’t want to leave me and didn’t go to anyone else, it was annoying for others but I felt on top of the world. I felt important. I felt like a mother to my son and this again made me ready for the upcoming days of separation.

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