
5 Daily habits for success as a single mom

- Read - January 24, 2023
Habits for successful single mother
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If you are a single mom, then there will be thousands of things that will be running through your mind, from your profession, finance, kids, and a lot more. Even when you can discard or eliminate the other thoughts, as an Indian mom, it is stressful to have the feeling of whether we are giving 100% to the kids. Never worry, it is completely normal, and you are not the only one who is undergoing this situation; Always know that you should consider and value your personal feelings. Because only then your mind can be at rest for at least some period. “A calm mind can achieve quite a lot more things than the wandering mind”

Mental health is something that has become viral and common nowadays. It plays a vital role since having a good piece of mind filled with positivity, love, and support, will help in achieving a lot more things. So, if you are a mom, never feel bad or selfish to take care of yourself first. Because when you don’t care or love yourself first, it will be hard to do it for others. Here are 5 of the daily habits to incorporate for handling the day easier and more peacefully.

1. Start your Day Early:

As a mom, it is completely normal to have a busy morning schedule. Also if you are someone who is working or sending your kids to school, then time would fly from 6 AM to straight 8 AM or 9 AM. If you are someone in the mentioned category, make sure to start your day as early as possible. Maybe if you are waking at 6 AM, preponed it to 4.30 or 5 AM. This will help in making your work get done without any kind of stress or tension. Also when you wake up soon, you will be able to manage and categorise before even the kids wake up.

It is completely hard to wake up earlier than before. Make sure to go to bed as early as possible, maybe before 10 or max 11. Don’t just set an alarm at 4.30, if you are a 6 AM person. Make it to 5.45 for a few days, 5.30 again, and slowly bring it to 4.30. This will help in training your mind, rather than giving it a shock of waking at a quite different time.

2. Spend Time on Meditation, Yoga, or any form of Exercise:

One thing that most of us say when we mention any of these is that, ‘we don’t have time for this’, or ‘do you even think I am free’?. Know you have to spend time on this. Only if you are strong, healthy, and fit, will you be able to take care of the kids at home. Involve in any one form of activity. Start with 5 mins per day for a week or two, and gradually increase. Have a fixed timing, and dedicate that time of your day only for your health. If morning does not suit you, never worry, make it to evening between 5 PM to 6 PM. Also note that you don’t have anything for at least 3 hrs before you start your workout routine.

Since we all are aware of the importance of working out, we don’t follow the procedures or rules. Make sure to prepare your body by warming up before starting your exercise. Move all parts of the body slowly for 3 – 5 mins and then gradually start your workouts.

3. Have a To-Do List:

This is one of the best ways to work in a more aligned and scheduled manner, rather than being clumsy or misaligned. Make a To-Do list of your morning plans, meals of the day, important calls or meetings that you have to align, etc. Also using a calendar and setting an alarm would make your work even more easier. Have a pen and paper near yourself and note if anything strikes your mind. This will help in making your mind free from thinking and reminding the works again and again. Also, since you have to manage all alone, have a magnetic to-do kind of pad, and mark the necessities of items needed for home everytime so you don’t miss them while shopping.

4. Say Bye & No to Guilt:

There is nothing that you should be guilty of. Guilt will invite or bring negative vibes, which will make your overall plans, or schedules, and sometimes even your health go down. It is normal to think, but make sure you don’t overthink, or be guilty off. Once you decide, then don’t even have a second option. 

Saying “Bye to guilt”, will help in saying “Hi to the upcoming beautiful phases of life”.

Also, Saying “No to guilt”, will motivate and advise you to say “Yes to the happiness in life”.

5. Seek for Help:

As we all are human, don’t pressurize yourself into doing it all by yourself. Especially as a mom, we tend to do things for our kids like teaching, bathing, giving them a massage, and a lot more. But the best advice I got from my mentor is to believe and hand it over to someone whom you believe. Once I started following, there was some time for me and my priorities. So, never feel ashamed. Ask for help from your families and friends. Also if you see someone who is struggling, go and help them rather than waiting for them to ask. Being kind will just cost you a few hours of your time!

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Being a Mom is not at all easy as everyone thinks. There are lot of expectations, decisions to take, work, challenges and what not. Mothers usually forget themselves while raising their kids.
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