
Perfect Coffee Mug For Each Type Of Mom!

- Gift Ideas - April 12, 2020
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Once a mom, always a mom! Being a mother is one of the greatest responsibilities of all time and there are no Saturdays, no Sundays to it. But isn’t it all worth it. Even when you lose yourself in your child’s happiness, you find a more promising version of yourself. From the moment you realise you have a life growing inside you to rushing to protect your kids to sending them off to college, you deserve endless pats on your back. The least we can do is to suggest a coffee mug that perfectly complements your killer personality. 

Types Of Mummas & A Perfect Coffee Mug For Them

Why a coffee mug? Well, because it’s something a mother can use every day and seeing the right message on it will just remind you of who you are. You can gift it to yourself or it can be a useful gift for your mom who taught you how to do it all in the first place!

The New Mumma

You just saw your baby’s face and your heart skipped a beat. Yeah, we know new mummas are not allowed to have coffee but nothing says “I appreciate you” like a promotion letter. Take this coffee mug as a promotion letter and as a reminder, you’ve got it all together.



Too Busy For Selfcare Mumma

Oh we know, with all the fighting, screaming and school schedule. It’s getting challenging for you to take care of yourself. How about we give a reminder every day, with this Be Good To Yourself coffee mug? If you’re strong, your family will be strong. So, take care of yourself. 



The Peacemaker Mumma

You’ve got some magic tricks up your sleeves and it’s time you appreciate that. You’re easygoing, warm, gentle, accepting and pacifist. You support your family and keep your home away from the chaos and drama. Even when your family dives into the chaos, you know exactly what to do. Aren’t you a peacemaker mumma?



The CEO Mumma

You had dreams, you were passionate, you loved what you did but plot twist came when you got married, you had your baby and gave all your love and passion to your family. But hey, your family loves you, they care about your dreams! Time to become the CEO Your Parents Wanted You To Marry. Let’s start with the mug that’ll keep reminding you of your dreams even when you’re feeling low.



The Too-Emotional Mumma

Your kids can get onto your nerves sometimes but when they smile, when they hug you, when your home is filled with laughter and love, you’re sold. You know your sacrifices and struggles were worth it. You don’t get your energy from just coffee, you are Powered by Love. This coffee mug is specifically designed for your amazing personality.



The Perfectionist Mumma

You are magic. Pure magic. You have a strong sense of right and wrong. You keep your house super clean, your kids are obedient and you’ve got it all under control. Your children eat all the right things, they sleep on time, you know how to make them do their homework on time. You’re the Aamir Khan of mummas. You lead your tiny humans like nobody else. Kudos to you. Trust us, you deserve this Leader Of Tiny Humans coffee mug!



The Exhausted Mumma

Being a mom can be overwhelming. You’re managing your life plus your kid’s life and it’s not easy, it takes a lot out of you and you still keep going. There’re toys all over the floor, there’s school homework to be taken care of and you’ve got like ten events to attend and you still keep going. You need a nap mumma. Don’t forget self care and for the times you do forget, we’ve got just the right coffee mug for you.   



The Investigator Mumma

If you have seen The Sky Is Pink, you know I am talking about Aditi Choudhary. From digging into your kid’s phone to knowing what’s right for your child, there’s nothing you can’t do. You are an all-access mom. You know where to look for information and nothing, absolutely nothing, can take a mom like you down. You rise like a phoenix because you have investigated how to do that as well. This coffee mug is your morning reminder that whatever comes today, you already know what you need to do to beat it! 



Go mommys, you’re beyond amazing! A coffee mug isn’t enough to define you but it can surely remind you of your worth. We love you and we hope you love yourself like you love your family too.


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Being a Mom is not at all easy as everyone thinks. There are lot of expectations, decisions to take, work, challenges and what not. Mothers usually forget themselves while raising their kids.
But wait, you should not do this. You are a Mother and hence deserves everything whatever you wish. Join this Millennial Indians Moms group to connect with like-minded moms where moms help and support each other in every way.