
This mother of 4, travelling to her village by foot is giving us all “santushti goals” #IndiaFightsCorona

- India Fights Corona - March 31, 2020

Grashmi and I were driving back after yet another day that left us raw and bereft. And that is when we saw this family on NH8. Grashmi pulled over to the side and I asked them if we could share some biscuits and water bottles.

The mother answered for them.
No, she said, we have enough.
The father echoed, hai didi, kaafi hai. Kisi aur ko de dena.
(We have enough didi, please give to someone else )

The little girl in white, Sapna, grinned. Biscuit hai kya?
We got out of the car and handed over biscuits to the little girl. And her brother, Raj, in purple, wanted one too.
The others refused.

If I ever need a reminder of grace and dignity and all that is beautiful in the world, I will look at this young mother’s face: carrying all her belongings with such ease on the top of her head, and a hope and a prayer, that it will safely take her home.

That, she, with four tiny children, on a long long walk to her village near Raipur, in Madhya Pradesh, from New Delhi, has enough.

That she will never take more than what is enough. And that she will smile through it all, and teach her children to always do the right thing too.
Vision Unlimited
PS: I just noticed that the bag she carries on her head says santushti.
I should just sleep now.

Posted By Shibal Bhartiya on her Facebook


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