
Ways To Balance For A New Mom Of Two!

- Campaigns - May 21, 2023
Ways To Balance For A New Mom Of Two!

Even though the family growing from 3 to 4 is something that brings us joy, it is also scary when we have to raise two kids in the same house. Initially, you have to make sure to be ready both physically and mentally. Try to analyse and then plan for baby 2, so that everything may at least seem to be a criss-cross line. It takes time for the elder kid to adapt to the baby. So, the mommies and daddies, get the elder one ready to make sure they have someone to play with and have in-house for a lifetime.

Even though you can manage the kids with the help of someone, you as a mom of two, should feel ready and confident. You seem to be the main character for both the kids. Here are some of the tips for a new mom of two:

  • Remember your first baby is still a baby:

Since the new member of the family is too young, it does not mean that the older ones are mature enough. It is completely normal for you to juggle between both of them. Never vent out or start throwing your tantrums at the older kids. Remember, he is also still a kid.

It is better to make your kid understand by telling slowly and steadily.

  • Make Sure to Spend Time on both Equally:

Babies under 8 to 9 months generally would love their own company, and do not request or look for certain people. But things do change once they have crossed 9 months. While the babies, make sure to spend at least some quality time with your elder kid.

Teach them the beauty of sharing, and how little one will accompany him to school, games, etc. If you are busy enough, then make sure to have a time block, so that the older one does not miss you!

  • Try to Say No:

Being a mom of two, it is completely normal to get stressed out. In that case, rather than venting it out with the family members, get yourself back with your favourite coffee, or chat with your loved ones. If you have any professional work, then make sure to say “NO”, when you cannot do it, rather than piling up the work.

  • Involve Older Kids:

When you are stressed out or tired, rather than seeking help from someone, ask your elder kid. This will even help in creating a beautiful bond between the siblings. Tell him that your little brother/sister enjoys your company and loves when you do for them. Let him talk and share his memories with the kid.

  • Breastfeeding Tantrums:

If your elder kid is also in the stage of breastfeeding, make sure to continue, rather than stop since you feel the second baby does not get enough. Your body can feed when you have two consecutive babies in a limited time gap.

  • Don’t Feel Guilty:

The guilty feeling is something that almost 95% of moms will have. But, it is completely okay to neglect them. You can prioritise and choose things according to the time and do not have to feel guilty about them anytime.

  • Have Snacks & Stories in Hand:

Even though having a toddler is a hectic task, it is important to take care of them in their games, and habits, especially the food. So, make sure to have healthy snacks so that they do not go with deep-fried or sugary biscuits. Do make sure you have some stories in hand, to resolve the elder kid’s tantrums during the night.

  • Seek for Help:

It is okay if you are sometimes feeling hard and stressed. Make sure to seek help; ask for help from your husband, elder kid, or any of your family members. They will surely try to help you in one way or another. If it’s not possible, make sure to hire a maid, that can help you in some household or baby care activities.

  • Meal Prep – Plan & Prioritise:

Even though you are a mom of two, you need to cook for the family. So, make sure that you have some plans for the lunch and dinner beforehand so that they don’t cause another stress. Plan and make some simple dishes according to your time rather than buying or ordering.

  • Take Care of Your Health:

Even though everything matters, your health stands tall out of all. Make sure to put everything aside and spend at least 5 to 10 mins once in a couple of hours to re-energise yourself. Even though this might seem impossible, make sure to work on them. Hand over the kids to the family members or husband, and then take a simple 15 min nap. Don’t rest using social media scrolls and videos.