
Meet Sangeeta Selvam – A Super Active Mumma In Our Community

Sangeeta Selvam is a mother of a baby and a toddler. She is one of very few members in our Group of Mummas on Facebook .. And she actively participates, shares her views and ideas in the group. This month we decided to chit chat and know more about her.

Here are the highlights of her interview with our Marketing Consultant Shruti Arya:

What’s the one thing you believe you do differently as a mumma?
Every mother is different in all aspects. I am just doing what I feel is right for my child and me. There is one thing I have learnt from my childhood that I strongly insist not to be done with my child. So i have promised to myself that till my child turns at-least 15 i am not going to overreact to any situation. No matter what happens i am going to keep myself calm and explain to her the do’s and don’ts of it. Yelling at them brings no good. Only thing that will happen is that they will start hiding every little things from us in future.
What were the thoughts, things etc you prepared for when you became a new mom?
To talk about thoughts I had only one thing in my mind. And that is that i am going to get a new little friend to share life with.
Which song/movie best describes your relationship with your child?
There is nothing that describes the most about my relationship with my kids because nothing can be compared to it. And to be honest I have also never  thought about it relating ourselves with movies or songs.
What is your best and worst habits before and after becoming mom?
Worst habit is to spend a lot of time on phone and best one is I think before I speak as my kid is watching me and learning.
How do you stay positive in life?
To stay positive I have just learnt how to take only good things from people and ignore negativity with a smile… So I am implementing it and it’s going on good so far. Just ignore the words you don’t like and you will be happy.
What do you think about our mummas community “Cries And Crawls”
Thinking about it only one word comes to my mind. “Comforter”.
This community gives me comfort when I am sad. There are many posts and talks that gave me strength. I am really thankful for that. Love you all <3
Is there any message you would want to give to fellow moms?
Just follow your instincts for your child because nobody knows your child more than you… Everyone will give different ideas. Take them, think about them and if you feel it good definitely go for it… Never feel you are not good just because someone is saying so… Every mother is awesome!

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Being a Mom is not at all easy as everyone thinks. There are lot of expectations, decisions to take, work, challenges and what not. Mothers usually forget themselves while raising their kids.
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